WALK TALL AND CARRY A SMALL LEASH (?? Theodore Roosevelt on the art of diplomacy) What he really said “Speak softly and carry a big stick” “Walk (or stand) tall” on the other hand = Be proud and confident: stop wishing that you were somehow different—start to walk tall! And for the second half about the leash – be kind to animals 1
HANGING ON TO JOYS OF THE PAST IN THE FACE OF COLD REALITY – though sweet memories are always sweet, and the future always springs new realities Feb 25 2016 pre dwa0017
LIFE IN DEATH, DEATH IN LIFE May 14, 2016 pre dwa0024
ROMANCE OF THE LEAF AND THE FLOWERBUD – A Marriage made with the Wisdom of Heaven. The One Without the Other is Nothing Springtime for the Iris The story of lessons from the garden will unfold May 14, 2016 · pre dwa0025
POTENTIAL EMERGING FROM A CRUSTY PAST A New Beginning May 17, 2016 pre dwa0027
DOWN BUT NOT OUT This poor old tree, fallen from its graces, eviscerated by rot, has found enough energy from its roots to give rise to new branches and also to support new life in its empty decaying spaces. Lesson from nATURE – Do not forget your roots. Without them you are nothing! Courtesy of Free Life Lessons Around and In Us and Spy Pond Arlington Mass May 21, 2016 pre dwa0027
YIN YANG SQUIRRELS Up and Down, Light and Dark, Roots and Wings, Adult and Child, Head and Tail. Lesson from the squirrels ? We need BOTH forces to become WHOLE Lessons learned on the dOG wALK in NJ pre dwa0041
TWO LOST SOLES SITTING ON THE FENCE Said the one to the other “We are apart but not yet defeeted” Said the other to the one “I would hate to be in your shoes” Said the other to the other. “Let’s get off our high horses, resolve our differences, move forward, and walk in the way of righteousness” Said the left one to oneself “Was going to say left-sidedness rather than righteousness, for the sake of my pride, and my tribe, but decided to let it go” Said the one to the other “It is better if we walk together – otherwise we will only be able to hop with no hope” Said the one to the one “Let’s pursue One and we will find our souls” And they found their soles and walked into the sunset, foot after foot, hand in hand and lived happily ever after. The End
Lessons from the sox sitting on a fence = We are better working and walking together than working and walking apart. June 3, 2016 pre dwa0042 and 0043
THE EYE OF THE SUN ENLIGHTENING AND WATCHING OVER US Both the Menorah (a candelabra with 7 or 9 candles) and Shavuoth (the celebration of the giving and receiving of the ten commandments) are about world enlightenment Feels like we need a lot of enlightenment in these dark times when people take joy in the murder of innocents (including children) by cowards and bullies with nothing but hate in their hearts pre dwa0044
Try Telling a Tale About these Cans 4
THE CANS AND THE CANKNOTS Well the story it told me … Once upon a time there were two twisted cans that were all bent out of shape with the way the world was going. They drugged themselves silly with synthetics( see list outside can), listened only to heavy metal music, decided to hang around trash and could never revigorate and recycle back into life, since nobody bothered to help them out and put them in the right place. There were others in similar situation who lay around the park. Mr “Screwed up Plastic” hated heavy metal, walked upside down on his cap and could not open up to anybody. He felt emptiness in the way his life had evolved and was hoping to start anew. One day a man walking a dog thought to himself. ” I could make a difference in somebody’s life! ” He picked up the out of shape and out of mind empty products of our culture and put them in their place – a recycling trash can. It was a dark and smelly place and the three were quite unhappy. The man shouted down the hutch – “One day you will be whole and fulfilled again! Trust me”. And then the police descended and took the man and his dog away because they found him speaking to a trash bin. The lesson? – It is mind over (recycling) matter – about the the cans and canknots ,- and lastly – recycle but do not speak to the trashcan. 5
TIME – DAUGHTER, MOTHER, AND GRANDMOTHER It passes so quickly Enjoy the Moments June 15 2016 11
Said the Female Cardinal to the Wall “YOU, ROCK….so now tell me who is the prettiest of them all?” Said the Rock to the Cardinal “This is just a shadow of yourself Look at yourself as you are in real life – beyond the illusions and the shadows of doubt. I hope you like what you see! If not change and then come and rock with me cutie! July 4 2016 43
YELLOW + BLUE = GREEN = SUN + SEA = EARTH – ie What would the earth be without the sun and water? What would green be without yellow and blue? Note how they are physically connected via the crack lines in this art piece created from the base of a tree stump. The colors reflect a Van Gogh inspiration 47
GRANDPARENTS AND GRANDCHILDREN AKA The Nuts and Bolts of the Old and Rusty (crusty) and the New and Shiny Creating Art from Found Objects on Dog Walks July 13 2016 57
SISTERS Said the adolescent to her older sister ‘Why am I so gangly and you are so pretty?” Said the older Sister ” To everything there is a season .. and you are still wet behind the ears!” July 14 2016 58
THE GOAL WITHOUT THE TOOLS TO GET THERE At this stage the playing field is level (kinda) July 15 2016 60
THE GOAL WITH THE TOOL BUT NO VEHICLE TO GET THERE At this stage the playing field is level as per David Lee Please “Like” this post July 16 2016 61
THE GOAL WITH THE TOOL AND THE SYLLABUS (method, college courses, derech eretz etc) BUT STILL NO VEHICLE TO GET THERE Trying to work out with our kids on how to approach their lives and what they need to “do good” to themselves and to the world ie to be true to themselves and in so doing do Tikun Olam (repair of the world) in their chosen work. The wall represents the goal, the ball is the tool or skill needed to get there, and the shadow from the ball to the wall represents the pathway that they have to take in order to achieve the goal (Some shadows along the way try to deviate one from the goal – avoid distractions!) Next step is the vehicle ie their natural abilities (skill sets) Identifying or recognizing this aspect is the hardest part of the whole thing If all the elements are wisely chosen, and one “keeps the eye on the prize”, self realisation and personal happiness is guaranteed – money back if not satisfied July 16 2016 62
RULES? Do not obey, if it gets in the way …of your long term happiness the sign is crooked anyway with negative in the way of positive and therefore the round in this case is not so sound so hear me out and do not keep me out! “Why?” you ask Simple! The dog has to do his thing in pleasant surroundings Pleasant street is seconds away from our home and when I am on the dOG wALK, I choose to disobey the authoritative power of the round red sign so I can grab some treasures for you JULY 27 2016 72
FROM ZERO to WHOLESOMENESS ON THE WAVES OF TIME – a poem From nothing to wholesomeness And then to nothing again From zero to all the numbers From the empty womb to new life From the round seed to the wholesome tree And then to recede And then to seed again And we cycle and cycle .. and cycle With repeated spiraling of bonded zeroes till eternity While time moves on its unstoppable wheels And we are given a present to be present in the present To understand the holy void and holy wholesomeness JULY 27 2016 73
THE REBEL RODENT ….of the proud family of Sciuridae was banished after the elders found him facing east and praying to ELECTRONICS – the new G-d of his generation 76
So the squirrel turned away from his ELECTRONICS G-d, after being banished from the squirrel family and guiltily tucked his head into his shoulders and squirted ( = a squirrel blurt) “It’s my religion, my right of freedom of expression, I plead the 5th, and my life matters. Trump is a con man and Hillary a liar.. “. JULY 29 2016 77
THE COMPLEX PATH TO SELF REALISATION ie you need a foundation and grounding, you need a focus and an an end point, you need to connect and work along multiple uphill pathways to get there! Thought this image could also be applied to an advert WEB DESIGN TO HELP YOUR COMPANY FLOURISH!! August 9 2016 84
SAID MOTHER DAHLIA TO HER DAUGHTER “We look very different but we wear the same genes” Said daughter Dahlia to her mother “The bulb doesn’t fall very far from the tree” August 12 2016 86
THE DEVIL IN THE SLIME OF A RIVER The water in the river was obstructed by debris and this resulted in the formation of slime. The water was not free to flow and experience the normal freedom of flow Slime = pure muck = the devil = the enemy of freedom Let the river flow and be who it is – and you will get an angel and not a devil! August 17 2016 94
TWO MUSHROOMS WORKING OUT ASYMMETRIC LOVE The mushroom on the right has a fully formed, committed, and impassioned love with a perfect heart shape colored brighter red, while the mushroom on the left is not there yet. The shape of the heart is evolving and the darker red puts a little less commitment .. at this time – Tomorrow the situation could be reversed? and this is what they have to work out together.. realising that love is fluid August 21 2016 100
TWIST OF FATE You never know what tomorrow will bring – Whether your number is up or down, What your number will be, Whether it will land on a smooth or sharp surface, In the rain or in sunshine .. And so the bottom line .. We should live in the moment… And be aware of our gifts… Easier said than done of course The 5+ 4 = 9 = 1/2 18 = half chai = one half of life = ie there is more to the story than just living in the moment Not sure what that may be though but will try to work it out while on the dog walk Inspired by conversation with cousin Steven Isaacson. and his family at a reunion last night after more than twenty year hiatus Found this dice on a dOG wAlk and it had this profound lesson to teach August 31 2016 110
PERSPECTIVE A poster on the baseball field Reminder to parents and children about little league baseball September 06 2016 118
Lessons from the Puddles on the Basketball Court
The focus of the left image is on the small bubbles and focus on the right image is on the real thing – the real goal
“Paul and Silas thought They was lost Dungeon shook and The chains come off Keep your eyes on the prize Hold on” Bruce Springsteen
September 24 2016
HAVE YOU (or someone you love) BEEN TRAPPED BY THE WEB? September 27 2016 136
INTROSPECTION Saw this stump on a walk with Benji and I was sure it was trying to tell me something about the “10 days of awe” “The ten days starting with Rosh Hashanah and ending with Yom Kippur are commonly known as the Days of Awe or the Days of Repentance. This is a time for serious introspection, a time to consider the sins of the previous year and repent before Yom Kippur.” 140
And I realised the goal was to get to the essence – the so called “spark of life” of Bialik present in us all that is absolute – We all have it – every living being, and this spark is the same in everybody 141
ANNUAL RINGS OF THE YEAR Seasons come and go, mixed with pleasures, displeasures, anger, romance, anxiety, jealousies, fears, joys, loss, gain, laughs, cries, snow, sun, warm cold- It is all in there in the circle of a year – taking us away from the essence 142
AND I LOOKED INTO MYSELF and saw these glaring transgressions .. and for these I am sorry – You know who you are .. and I am truly sorry 145
AND THEN I HEARD THE BLASTS OF THE SHOFAR AND NOW I’M ALL SHOOK UP Mm mm mm, mm, yay, yay, yay SOUNDS OF THE SHOFAR Tekiah, Shevarim, Teruah THESE ARE REFLECTED IN SHELL FORM AT THE BOTTOM OF THE SHOFAR TEKIAH,Single shell- the “blast,” one long blast with a clear tone. SHEVARIM, Three curved shells – a “broken,” sighing sound of three short calls. TERUAH – 9 SMALL SHELLS the “alarm,” a rapid series of nine or more very short notes. TEKIAH GEDOLLAH – Rams horn – “the great Tekiah,” a single unbroken blast, held as long as possible. (A combination of Tekiah, Shevarim, Teruah, ending with a Tekiah Gedolah.) ” Awake, sleepers from your sleep! Arise, slumberers, from your slumber! Scrutinize your deeds and return to repentance and remember your creator! Those forgetters of the truth in the vanities of time and those who stray all their year in vanity and emptiness which can neither help nor save. Look to your souls, better your ways and deeds. Let each one of you abandon your evil way and your thoughts which are not good.” “The shofar symbolizes the major theme of the Days of Repentance, during which we commemorate the beginning of the world. We try to make a new start within ourselves, and to return to the beginning of the cycle. The shofar, with its powerful and profound calls, removes the obstacles before us and helps us reach this new start.” What did Elvis say about this? I’M ALL SHOOK UP Mm mm mm, mm, yay, yay, yay A well’a bless my soul What’sa wrong with me? I’m itchin’ like a man in a fuzzy tree My friends say I’m actin’ wild as a bug I’m all shook up Mm mm mm, mm, yay, yay, ya October 12, 2016 · 146
Hopefully apologies are nearly complete and now onward to REBOOT the system and GET RID of BAGGAGE to enable AT ONEMENT 147
DAY OF AT ONEMENT A time to spend with the core 148
SAID THE LEAF TO THE WATER DROPLETS .. “When I was young and full of life, You gave me life itself and I could absorb you into my body. We were like one. Now I am old and dying on the sidewalk And all I can do is enjoy your beauty on my dry body And sadly we will have to go separate ways! I pray that we can meet with renewed miracle of life When we are recycled by the heavens” October 16 2016 150
ALWAYS BE KIND TO YOUR DOGS – TABLES MAY BE TURNED IN THE AFTERLIFE – and they may come back to haunt you or even bite you October 28 2016 161
And the delicate branches reached out to the sunset and said “You look like a reflection of myself” And the sun replied ‘We both need to rest. Good night. See you tomorrow” November 05 2016 166
ABOUT TO FALL A leaf and a water drop have a conversation With both in a precarious position on the branch of a tree Leaf – “I do not want to fall” Raindrop – “Its our time Gravity will return us to the earth” Leaf – “Gravity sucks” I just want to be green again” Raindrop “To recycle is to be green” Leaf – “Too profound for me! My be-leaf is that life is too short to worry about gravity. Please God Fly me to the moon. I do not want to fall” November 12 2016 168
SAID THE GHOST LEAF TO THE FULL MOON “Now that I have fallen please explain why time moves in lunar cycles? What makes Mr Lunar Tick? Why do you live through these cycles and I and many others lose our lives? November 16 2016 171
THE BATTLE FOR SPACE AND TIME Observations of a dOG wALKER Green vs Brown vs White. Green has had her time and is a mere beautiful memory – and she knows it as she fades into the background Brown has not yet given up, and rises above White. White rests in quiet confidence She knows that time and space for the near future is on her side November 21 2016 173
BENJY”S WISDOM Asked Benjy what lessons he had to give our family as we face a new season He said “Read my body language – PUT THE “BUTS” BEHIND, and the “ANDS” A-HEAD No “but”, regrets, or excuses for the past – just go forward and accumulate all the “ANDS” of positive experience” Hence his stance on this matter as he faced the fall season and the coming winter season November 28 2016 174
WOODLINE by Andy Goldsworthy This beautiful work of art is located in Presidio park San Francisco – Life is a long and winding path through unknown woods – leading to something, somewhere – enjoy the journey December 18 2016 177
“There may not be a heaven, But there is San Francisco” Ashleigh Brilliant 178
“There may not be a hell But there was Alcatraz” Ashley Davidoff 179
Inside SF heaven, there is hell for some Behind the bars in Alcatraz hell There was a little heaven for some 180
MAN IN THE MIRROR MAKING RESOLUTIONS 2017 while walking Benjy. Found this Picasso in the ICE of the park. New Years resolutions in Cold Cubism January 01 2017 190
TIME TO SAY GOODBYE – You go your way and I have to go mine The harsh reality expressed in an unforgiving cold snowy day January 12 2017 196
ONLY A MATTER OF TIME As I emerged into 20F (-7C) for a Benjy walk -“reality and dream” on the car window January 14 2017 197
WAVES OF THE WINTER Time passes January 17 2017 198
A special for 200th dOG wALK aRTposting As I walked Benjy this am I saw this posting in the Mason Rice elementary school classroom window (backwards because I was on the outside). See comment below for the importance of looking at clues from another perspective! January 19 2017 200b
A special for 200th dOG wALK aRT posting Looked up the quote and this is the poem I discovered January 19 2017 200
WHEN LIFE GIVES YOU A COLD SHOULDER When life gives you a cold shoulder Look at the bright side Where you will find that the grass is greener And it will also be a little softer and warmer January 26 2017 202
TO AND FROM MY LATE PARENTS said the leaves to the trees In the summer I coveted and covered thee, mon arbor, mon amour And now I am gone And miss you so much in this deathly winter As I lie and grieve for you in my grave Now, I can only cover and covet your shadow To try and renew and relive our love With a hope to keep our memories warm Mon mieu, Mon arbor, Mon amour. January 30 2017 205
20°F = -6°C after the storm but blue skies make all the difference IT IS ALL ABOUT CONTEXT 210
Dead and Dying – Consequences of Winter Time However Nature has her way to recycle and bring back the dead to life Some call it the after-life Dedicated to Danielle Davidoff who loves and wants to preserve the environment and committed to the idea of recycling 212
HARD TIMES FOR THE HARD DRIVE When I became slow rusty and crusty, They drove a stick drive through my hard drive- Like a stab in the back And tossed me to the cold water of the winter And now I lie with an empty brain on the dog walk path With the excrement of some wild animal on my face – So I said to myself as I lay in the gutter of life If I am not for myself who will be for me? And if I am only for myself – What am I? And if not now when then? So I did the trick of Watson and Crick and did CTRL copy paste and duplicated myself and did C colon enter and got rid of the excrement on my face and did CTRL ALT delete and deleted the ALT RIGHT CLICK (whew!) and then did CTRL SAVE – which saved my soul And suddenly there was a turn around and I sat upright in the water Thank G for Hillel who inspired my comeback! 225
Said the evergreen to the iceball “I will have my way with you in the spring when you will wither away, and rather than embracing me with your hard and cold heart, you will enrich me from the bottom of my roots to the inner sanctum of my soul!” Each has a glorious moment in time, as the cycles of nature go around and around with ups and downs. 229
FEATHERS OF A BIRD FLOCK TOGETHER ? FLOCK = Feathers Loving One another in Comradeship and Kinship 234
BONDING – BONDAGE = CHOICE Chag sameach to All our Family, Friends, Countrymen/women and ourselves. May we bond and bind by our own choice, throw off the shackles that enslave us, and find our freedom 239
NON CONFORM vs CONFORM – ALL GOOD! recycling trash to art – a broken plastic glove, a wipe and some stones send a message 245
DOWN AND UP Isaac Newton and the DogWalk Said gravity to water droplet – “ I will force you down” Said droplet to earth – “You may shudder with the fall” Said earth to water “I will spread you in my womb” Said water to the roots “I will move up inside you” Said Time to Winter ”You are going down” Said Time to Spring “Time to come up” Said tree to itself “Time to grow up and bud” Said bud to husk “Release me so I can grow up” Said gravity to husk “You are going to fall down” Said spider to the tree “Hold my web, so I do not fall” 246
BEYOND THE WATER DROP From Big Bang to Eternity A poem dedicated to our son Aaron on his birthday From the explosive womb of Big Bang Hydrogen, your progenitor was born Consisting of single moving and opposite forces Seeking companionship, and a need for Oneness Bigger and more powerful than the self And the atoms and elements and then the molecules of life Were themselves given life And then you my darling water The purest of beings Born with a gush from the amniotic sacs of Big Bang Finding your way to virgin earth Under forces beyond you With forces in you To enable all of life For without you we would not be The single droplet of rain hitting the puddle With its kind but explosive kinetic force Under the same original force that brought you to earth Converting to a beautiful sound of the droplet on water With an array of waves in perfect circle As I ponder this wonder The beauty of physics at its best No energy destroyed, just converted A simple yet not so simple action reaction of Newton Snow, ice, vapor, waves of the sea, and a flowing river Calming of the soul Giver of life From Big Bang to Eternity 247b
THE BERNESE AND THE BALD MAN Love Comfort and Trust when the crowd brings too much noise 252
BLACK AND WHITE ON THE TARMAC Keep a Focus – Onward and Upward 268
CRACK ART “There is a crack in everything. That’s how the light gets in.” (Leonard Cohen) 271
“WATCH THE TURTLE. HE ONLY MOVES FORWARD BY STICKING HIS NECK OUT”. (Louis Gerstner) Recycling Lost Clothing to Teach Lessons Through Art 272
“Let us not look back in anger, nor forward in fear, but around in awareness.” – James Thurber A mushroom and a root make the dog teach wisdom 294
Sometimes it is what you perceive rather than what you see!
Image 1) The real thing
Image 2) Inverted colors soften the visual repulsion!
Image 3) Multiply and multiply and voila!! The whole is bigger than the parts
DNA AND RNA When the Whole is Bigger than the Parts 299
LESSONS FROM THE MORNING GLORY – Star of Yelta “Go inwards, find your inner space and suddenly you will find an explosion of light, of beauty, and ecstasy.” Osho The secret of glory in the morning! 306
Star of Yelta and the Sun of the Yellow Daisy YELTA shines on the inside – DAISY to the outside Which one resonates with you? Maybe both? 307
THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN SPROUTING PRETTY WORDS AND LIVING THEM From the series “Deep Lessons from a Tennis Ball” and “Me and My Shadow” 309
VISITING GRANDPA , LITTTLE GREEN RIDING HOOD AND THE WOLF While visiting G’pa Hy (Naomi’s Dad) in NJ this weekend – we came across these 3 unique individuals The praying mantis was in the garden demonstrating the power of stillness, seemingly in quiet contemplation and prayer. The wolf whom we saw in the Lacota wolf preserve is, contrary to folk tales, “intelligent, non-aggressive, and friendly with the ability to make strong emotional attachments”. The wolf is a social animal and dedicated to the well being of the pack. And Grandpa.. …an angel on earth – to say the least – has all the above qualities and more – the power of stillness, quietness calm and humility .. “intelligent, non-aggressive, and friendly with the ability to make strong emotional attachments”. … dedicated to the well being of the pack And that folks summarises our weekend – of course with Naomi, Talya, Arielle, and Benjy making it all the more pleasurable 311
“May You Build a Ladder to the Stars and May you Stay Forever Young” A prayer for our children! One of my favorite songs 314
INTROSPECTION, DECISION AND ACTION Throw away the rocks in your backpack that hold you down and keep the stuff that helps you move forward and upward From the Rosha Hashana series AKA Know (what) to hold and (what) to fold (Kenny Rogers-kinda) 319
TIME HAS RUN OUT to its end – and I have to make amends with family and friends 320
INTROSPECTION, DECISION AND ACTION Throw away the rocks in your backpack that hold you down and keep the stuff that helps you move forward and upward From the Rosha Hashana series AKA Know (what) to hold and (what) to fold (Kenny Rogers-kinda) 319
END OF SEASON And lost my bounce Time to retire 324
ABOUT TO FALL IN THE FALL – a poem Who shall live and who shall die? …all of us! said the leaves with a sigh Fall is a gentle remind Not to leave any dreams behind Not to go to bed With things left unsaid And to live the day In the fullest way! 326
Know-All Adolescent Lording Over Mama – Not good! 329
Know-It-All Mama Lording Over the Child Not good either 330
Mutual Respect and Admiration – That is the Way to Do It 331
Know-All Adolescent Lording Over Mama – 1 – Not good! 2- Know-It-All Mama Lording Over the Child – 3 – Not good either Mutual Respect and Admiration – 329c
OPINING THE FALL OF THE PINE even the evergreen falls subject to time 334
FOM EARTH TO EARTH The old oak tree surrounded by the hopeful dropped seeds which are the products of her summer November 7, 2017 345
AND NOW IT IS TIME TO SAY GOODBYE December 1, 2017 359
How Sad? Feeling a little let down Kinda blue Fenced in Downright cold and bleak With nobody to play with Thankfully support systems are strong “What good is the warmth of summer, without the cold of winter to give it sweetness.” ― John Steinbeck, Travels with Charley: In Search of America December 18, 2017 366
Keep Your Eyes Open All the Time! Graffiti on the dog walks of Cagliari, Sardinia If it were Miro It would go for millions – Just as intriguing and free for all January 9 2018 374
LIFE – A MURKY PATH WITH RAYS OF HOPE From the series “What is Life?” January 12 2018 375
BATTLE OF SALT (left) with SNOW AND ICE Chemistry (Truth) wins over adversity From the Series “Art of Cold Water” Dedicated to friend Lindsay Leveen January 18 376
ONE SMALL STEP FOR DOG, ONE SMALL STEP FOR KIND MAN. aka One Small Step for Man – One Giant Leap for Small Dog January 23 2018 377
RAIN and FREEZE – YET THE GRASS LIVES ON From the Series “Art of Cold Water” January 24 378
A Ball that is Not Rolling Gathers Snow and Moss February 2 · 382
HUMBLED BY THE BUBBLE I looked at the tiny bubble And saw my even tinier reflection “I am far bigger than that!” And the bubble replied “Not in my eyes!” February 21 398
“There’s a crack in everything that’s how the light gets in” Leonard Cohen February 22 399
LEFT OUT IN THE COLD- A sad scene of two forgotten bikes. When new and shiny they provided so much joy, and with so much potential to provide more joy, but forgotten and left out in the cold The more pressing human equivalent -expressed by Mother Teresa “Loneliness and the feeling of being unwanted is the most terrible poverty.” March 9 2018 413
TIME TO TAKE CONTROL OF TIME Passover and Easter message from the shadow of a dOG wALKER to himself And wishing all family and friends chag sameach = happy holiday = happy holy day = hold it! – have happy days! March 30 2018 418
THINKING OUT OF THE BOX 1st image THE SHADOW IS THINKING in the box 2nd image THE SHADOW IS THINKING out of the box April 26 · 425
BOTH MADE OUT OF WOOD, BOTH ESSENTIAL – JUST WIRED DIFFERENTLY From the series “Understanding Our Differences” May 5 435
ROMANCING THE CLOUD by Arbor Amor A Love Poem from the Tree to the Cloud To my dearest Cloud You are so far Yet so near and dear to me I often dream what it may be like To touch you For one precious moment To have you in my arms And caress your delicate face And when I awake I realize it is but a dream That can never come true Sometimes you look lean and mean And you stand vertical like a spear And sometimes horizontal like 100 arrows shot at once But most the time you have soft sensuous and voluptuous curves Moving slowly and lovingly through the heavens Me? I am what I am And only change with the coming and going of the seasons Just a little bigger as I grow older You on the other hand Change your form as well as your position in the heavens From second to second Each time, a form more beautiful and unique I love your unpredictability Your color also changes with your mood And the time of day You look most passionate and fiery When the sun wakes up and goes to bed This is the time when I love you best I often dream what it may be like To touch you For one precious moment To have you in my arms And caress your delicate face And when I awake I realize it is but a dream That can never come true Whoa! – Wait a moment !!… The rain and the snow! They are you! And they touch me in so many ways The blanket of snow when I am naked The delicate rain when I am in need They caress and moisten me from without and within I am filled with your love for me And I for you. Oh what would I do without you my dearest cloud You are my life You are my love We will be together forever! May 7 2018 437
A DARK CLOUD WITH A GOLDEN LINING Always hope for a better day! From the series – “Clouds on the dOG wALK” May 8 2018 438
ON THE LOOKOUT FOR A DARK CLOUD WITH A GOLDEN LINING – Always hope for a better day! From the series – “Clouds on the dOG wALK” May 8 2018 438c
FROM GENERATION TO GENERATION Le Dor Va Dor May 18 2018 446c01
RHODIES AT THEIR OWN PACE Note: When the leaves are cold and unhappy they curl up When they are happy – they are wide open to life and they give birth to blossom Dedicated to Jill Ebstein who reminded me that the Rhododendrons are at their peak of life. More importantly she has observed the seasons of people and has brought together a wonderful series of essays of the seasonal ups and downs of real live people called “At My Pace” Highly recommended read!!! May 26 2018 448
REMEMBERING WHAT I USED TO BE (until time rose) June 16 2018 457
DOMESTIC DISPUTE He screamed”I said Trunk again, not Drunk again” She screamed “I thought you said Trump again!!” Miscommunication – the cause of many a dispute! July 10 2018 468
“BABY REJECTS FAKE NEWS!” from the series “Wisdom from The Dog Walk” July 15 2018 471
QUESTIONS TO MYSELF Which ladder is my ladder? Do I really need to climb the ladder? Inspired by conversation and a series of books by our friend and fellow dog walker Jill Ebstein called “At my Pace” July 19 475
I’VE GOTTA BE ME by SAMMY DAVIS Jr. with modification by HILLEL From the Series ‘Life lessons from the Dog Walk” and “Art of the School Playground” Whether I’m right or whether I’m wrong Whether I find a place in this world or never belong I gotta be me, I’ve gotta be me What else can I be but what I am I want to live, not merely survive And I won’t give up this dream Of life that keeps me alive I gotta be me, I gotta be me The dream that I see makes me what I am That far away prize, a world of success Is waiting for me if I heed the call I won’t settle down, won’t settle for less As long as there’s a chance that I can have it all I’ll go it alone, that’s how it must be I can’t be right for somebody else If I’m not right for me I gotta be free, I’ve gotta be free Daring to try, to do it or die I’ve gotta be me I’ll go it alone, that’s how it must be I can’t be right for somebody else If I’m not right for me I gotta be free, I just gotta be free Daring to try, to do it or die I gotta be me Songwriters: Walter Marks I’ve Gotta Be Me lyrics © Warner/Chappell Music, Inc HILLEL SAYS (modification of Sammy’s lyrics) …. “If I am not for myself, who will be for me? But if I am only for myself, who am I? If not now, when?” Ethics of the Fathers, 1:14
July 27 483
CANDLES IN THE WIND From the Series – “Art of the Clouds” and dedication to Marilyn Monroe by Elton John -about the delicate soul and hidden pain July 28 · 2018 484 Goodbye Norma Jean Though I never knew you at all You had the grace to hold yourself While those around you crawled They crawled out of the woodwork And they whispered into your brain They set you on the treadmill And they made you change your name And it seems to me you lived your life Like a candle in the wind Never knowing who to cling to When the rain set in And I would have liked to have known you But I was just a kid Your candle burned out long before Your legend ever did Loneliness was tough The toughest role you ever played Hollywood created a superstar And pain was the price you paid Even when you died Oh the press still hounded you All the papers had to say Was that Marilyn was found in the nude And it seems to me you lived your life Like a candle in the wind Never knowing who to cling to When the rain set in And I would have liked to have known you But I was just a kid Your candle burned out long before Your legend ever did Goodbye Norma Jean Though I never knew you at all You had the grace to hold yourself While those around you crawled Goodbye Norma Jean From the young man in the twenty second row Who sees you as something more than sexual More than just our Marilyn Monroe And it seems to me you lived your life Like a candle in the wind Never knowing who to cling to When the rain set in And I would have liked to have known you But I was just a kid Your candle burned out long before Your legend ever did Your candle burned out long before Your legend ever did Songwriters: Elton John / Bernie Taupin Candle in the Wind lyrics © Universal Music Publishing Group Courtesy dOG wALK aRT Also dedicated to the free museums around and in us 484
YOUR’E AS YOUNG AS YOU FEEL ON THE INSIDE! From the Series – “Life Lessons from the Dog Walk” August 8 2018 493
TUBES AND NATURE From the Series “Dog Walk Biology Lessons” August 13 2018 497
YOUR’E AS YOUNG AS YOU FEEL ON THE INSIDE! From the Series – “Life Lessons from the Dog Walk” August 8 2018 493
DELICATE DROPLETS IN UNISON WEIGH THE COSMOS DOWN From the Series “The Art of Water” and “Life Lessons from the Dog Walk” 503
PRESENT THRIVING ON THE PAST Without the ruins of days gone by, the beautiful vine would not exist. From the series “Life Lessons and the Dog Walk” September 13 507
FINDING UNEXPECTED STRENGTH Pound for pound the spiders silk is stronger than steel! September 16 2018 512
Does this drunken midnight bird choir know a song called “Like a Bird on the Wire”? said the choir master “And on this day of Atonement I swear by this song And by all that I have done wrong I will make it all up to thee and I will try in my way to be free!” From the series “The Art of Animals” and “Ireland” September 22 2018· 516
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When You Try to Blow your Own Horn, it Only Makes Noise in your Brain From the Series “Ireland” and “Lessons from Animals” September 25 2018 517