2021 New Year Resolution 2021 Thanks to Benjy, who inspires dOG waLK aRT and to the free museums in and around us Sounds of SilenceHello darkness my old friend…(See original photo above)from the Series “Art in the Water”Thanks to Benjy, who inspires dOG waLK aRT and to the free museums in and around us796 Cape Cod Beach in the Winter – and the Seaweed still Dances in the SandFrom the Series “The Dances of Nature”Thanks to Benjy, who inspires dOG waLK aRT and to the free museums in and around us797 The Wake Awakens thePeace of the SunsetOr for some the Sunrise On the Other SideAll Reflecting on the WaterFrom the Series ” Action with Equal and Opposite Reaction”Thanks to Benjy, who inspires dOG waLK aRT and to the free museums in and around us798 I Walk the LineI keep a close watch on this heart of mineI keep my eyes wide open all the timeI keep the ends out for the tie that bindsBecause you’re mine, I walk the lineJohnny CashFrom the Series ” The Art of Sticks”Thanks to Benjy, who inspires dOG waLK aRT and to the free museums in and around us799Ashley DavidoffTheCommonVein.net799 Gift ExchangeFrom the Series ” The Art of of Frosty Leaves”Thanks to Benjy, who inspires dOG waLK aRT and to the free museums in and around usFrom the Series ” The Art of Sticks” Ashley DavidoffTheCommonVein.net800 DuskFrom the Series ” The Art of of Conversation” and ‘Art of Time”Courtesy dOG wALK aRT and the Free Museums In and Around Us801You’ll never be lonely if you have a dogFrom the Series “Man’s Best Friend”Thanks to Benjy, who inspires dOG waLK aRT and to the free museums in and around usMillenium Park West RoxburyAshley DavidoffTheCommonVein.net801 When the uphill climb is too difficult ..Circle for a whileIt will be different from another perspectiveFrom the Series “lessons from Nature”Thanks to Benjy, who inspires dOG waLK aRT and to the free museums in and around ussAshley DavidoffTheCommonVein.net802 You’ll never be lonely if you have a dogFrom the Series “Man’s Best Friend”Thanks to Benjy, who inspires dOG waLK aRT and to the free museums in and around usMillenium Park West RoxburyAshley DavidoffTheCommonVein.net803 Winter Wonderland Snow dump at 3 Lake Ave this morningAnd a reminder of what is to come in our beautiful BostonFrom the series “The Beauty of Time”Thanks to Benjy, who inspires dOG waLK aRT and to the free museums in and around usAshley DavidoffTheCommonVein.net804Ashley Davidoff A Dog of Ice Crystals on Our Kitchen WindowHow much is that doggie in the window? From the Series “The Art of Cold Water”Thanks to Benjy, who inspires dOG waLK aRT and to the free museums in and around us Ashley DavidoffTheCommonVein.net805 Hear How Much is that Doggie in the Window? A Day later – at 11deg F and -11.7 deg C,the dog became a chicken under blue skies amonga meadow of flowers (right)andsnow and ice in the trees in the forest and mountains (left)From the Series (The Art of Cold Water)Thanks to Benjy, who inspires dOG waLK aRT and to the free museums in and around us Ashley DavidoffTheCommonVein.net806 Founds these two slugs chatting at a table in the iceThought the beers would warm them up and add cheerFrom the series “The Art of Cold Water”Thanks to Benjy, who inspires dOG waLK aRT and to the free museums in and around usAshley DavidoffTheCommonVein.net807 Thought I was above a California ForestI looked out the plane window and it really was a Boston landingGuess my laser missed the targetFrom the Series “Bigots in high places should be removed”Sunrise from up High as we Fly Into BostonThanks to Benjy, who inspires dOG waLK aRT and to the free museums in and around us Ashley DavidoffTheCommonVein.net808 Dancing to “Everybody Wear They Mask”Thanks to Benjy who enables me to create stuff for dOG wALK aRT and for the free museums in and around us Without them this work would not be possibleAshley DavidoffTheCommonVein.net809 Mother and ChildChagall in the Ice on the SidewalkWaning winter days of BostonThanks to Benjy who enables me to create stuff for dOG wALK aRT and for the free museums in and around us Without them this work would not be possibleAshley DavidoffTheCommonVein.net810 Portrait of a Woman from Salt Stains on the StairsFor those who do not experience a snowy and icy winter, “Salt Stains” will need an explanation. In order to melt ice on the road and sidewalks after the city snowploughs have removed the bulky snow from the roads, they put salt down in order to lower the freezing point of the ice and hence facilitate melting. In this way the slippery dangers of “black ice” on th road and sidewalks are prevented. However the salt stains the shoes and so when people walk inside, the salt residue creates all sorts of art on the floorsThanks to Benjy who continues to enable me to create stuff for dOG wALK aRT and thanks to the free museums in and around us Without them this work would not be possible.Ashley DavidoffTheCommonVein.net Dancing by the WaterffallTwo maidens of pine leaves, rocks and water, dance to the sounds of the waterfall.Mason Rice ParkThanks to Benjy who continues to enable me to create stuff for dOG wALK aRT and thanks to the Free Museums In and Around Us Without them this work would not be possible.Ashley Davidoff TheCommonVein.net Rowboat at SunriseAshley Davidoff dOG wALK aRT Facebook Posts March 2021Ashley Davidoff TheCommonVein.net dOG wALK aRT Facebook Posts March 2021Ashley Davidoff TheCommonVein.net dOG wALK aRT Facebook Posts March 2021Ashley Davidoff TheCommonVein.net dOG wALK aRT Facebook Posts March 2021Ashley Davidoff TheCommonVein.net April 2021 dOG wALK aRT Facebook Posts April 2021Ashley Davidoff TheCommonVein.net dOG wALK aRT Facebook Posts April 2021Ashley Davidoff TheCommonVein.net dOG wALK aRT Facebook Posts April 2021Ashley Davidoff TheCommonVein.net May 2021 dOG wALK aRT Facebook Posts May 2021Ashley Davidoff TheCommonVein.net dOG wALK aRT Facebook Posts May 2021Ashley Davidoff TheCommonVein.net dOG wALK aRT Facebook Posts May 2021Ashley Davidoff TheCommonVein.net dOG wALK aRT Facebook Posts May 2021Ashley Davidoff TheCommonVein.net June 2021 dOG wALK aRT Facebook Posts June 2021Ashley Davidoff TheCommonVein.net dOG wALK aRT Facebook Posts June 2021Ashley Davidoff TheCommonVein.net dOG wALK aRT Facebook Posts June 2021Ashley Davidoff TheCommonVein.net July 2021 dOG wALK aRT Facebook Posts July 2021Ashley Davidoff TheCommonVein.net dOG wALK aRT Facebook Posts July 2021Ashley Davidoff TheCommonVein.net August 2021 dOG wALK aRT Facebook Posts August 2021Ashley Davidoff TheCommonVein.net dOG wALK aRT Facebook Posts August 2021Ashley Davidoff TheCommonVein.net dOG wALK aRT Facebook Posts August 2021Ashley Davidoff TheCommonVein.net September 2021 dOG wALK aRT Facebook Posts September 2021Ashley Davidoff TheCommonVein.net dOG wALK aRT Facebook Posts September 2021Ashley Davidoff TheCommonVein.net October 2021 dOG wALK aRT Facebook Posts October 2021Ashley Davidoff TheCommonVein.net dOG wALK aRT Facebook Posts October 2021Ashley Davidoff TheCommonVein.net dOG wALK aRT Facebook Posts October 2021Ashley Davidoff TheCommonVein.net November 2021 dOG wALK aRT Facebook Posts November 2021Ashley Davidoff TheCommonVein.net December 2021 dOG wALK aRT Facebook Posts December 2021Ashley Davidoff TheCommonVein.net